Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The godly adults that bless us

Tonight I had our last meeting of the year with our elementary team. I had to arrive late due to an emergency so I asked one of my leaders to get the fire pit burning, S'mores out, and to invite the teachers to pray.

I arrived to a group of 12 people praying for our kids, for each other, and for God to change them. Have you ever arrived late to a meeting you set up and found the whole group praying honest prayers? It's really something.

So we spent the evening evaluating the ministry. What went well this year, what inspires them, what needs improvement, etc. I'm still trying to articulate what it was that moved me so. I mean we had quite full lists of pros and cons. But I think it was the eagerness each teacher had to share! All but one chimed in more than once and had significant contribution to make. This isn't a passive group or another meeting to get through for them. This was how are we going to love these kids well and be the church to them?

I feel I have made some good friends this year with this group. And they with each other. These are good people. Solid character, mature in their faith. A deep love for the church, in it's wholeness, including the kids.

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