Friday, July 31, 2009


One of the summer elective classes for this Sunday - awesome idea!

Elective Class Name: Beautification

Class Limit: (girls only)

Opening Activity: Soaking fingers in Palmolive!

Elective Course:
We ladies are going to push back our cuticles, file down our rough edges and paint our nails! We are also going to make a natural face scrub to take home with us.

Truth Piece:
Ps 139.13-14 I am God's work, and His works are wonderful!
Luke 12.7 God knows everything about me, and still, I have so much worth to Him!
Ps 45.11 The King is enthralled by my beauty, so I will honor him because he is my lord.
God uses the bible to talk a lot about what He values as beautiful in us. Dive in and find out how you can please our Lord with your beauty!
I Peter 3.3,4 [your beauty] should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

Main Theme/Character attribute:
God loves us and thinks we are beautiful! The beauty that God sees in us is unconditional, and is far greater than anything beautiful we can create. The value of beauty that is ascribed to us by God, being His creation, is far greater than the world's value of beauty. To know and believe God is to know and believe that we are beautiful to Him...not because of how we look or what we wear or what gifts and talents we have. We are valuable to Him and beautiful because we are HIS, and His creation.

Parent Handout for at home conversation:

Portland is a city full of opportunities to think and talk about what BEAUTY really is. Look around and you’ll see many examples of a false, short-lived, dead-end kind of beauty authored by the World. Talk about where the world’s beauty falls short in fulfilling our deepest desire to know and believe God, and then talk about the true beauty that comes only from God, and feeds our hearts and draws us closer to Him…

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