Saturday, January 23, 2010

Remembering & Leaving

Tomorrow is our last day at Imago Dei Community. Below is the letter that was sent/given out to all the volunteers and families last week. This will be the last post for this blog. Thanks Imago Dei for the years of memories and ministry together for the sake of our children, our marriages and to glorify our King. Love, ~Karen

January 15, 2010

Dear Imago Dei Kids Parents & Volunteers,

As most of you know, my family is moving to Salt Lake City, Utah in February to help start a church with Kyle & Joy Costello and a team of people from Imago Dei Community. We’re excited about what God is going to do to build His church in Salt Lake, though we are very sad to leave Imago Dei, Portland, and our families and friends here.

Nine years ago we arrived in Portland and Imago Dei Community. God showed up in many ways then, and He has continually grown and blessed us. Among those blessings and growth has been my time pastoring children and families. What an amazing ministry!

When we arrived there were just a few families with kids, and we met in Schlatter Chapel. There was a clipboard that got passed around on Sundays so that people could sign up to watch the kids and play Veggie Tales in the basement. Gasp! We’ve come a long way in nine years.

One night at a leadership meeting, Rick asked us all to pray about what ministry we would like to start up. I knew immediately that children and families is where my heart was and where I wanted to serve – but I wasn’t a fan of children’s ministry. Rick asked me to go read my Bible and come back to him with all the ways God speaks about children in the Bible. I’m still so grateful for that response; I think most of the pastors from my past would have said, “Well, go make a really cool children’s ministry then!” We started with the Bible, and as I leave nine years later, the Bible is still where we base everything. Praise the Lord!

As I read, the theme that stuck out most to me in Scripture was that of integration. Children were a part of everything, a valued part of the church. Our vision statement was born out of that theme, and we’ve held onto it: As children belong to and are an integral part of our church body, we commit to coming alongside parents in the raising of them. Together our goal is to see kids come to know who Christ is, experience how He works in their life, and integrate them as important and valuable people in the life of the church.

We’ve worked diligently to create a place on Sundays and beyond that is truly safe for kids. Safe for them physically, emotionally and spiritually; safe for them to be who they are, to be part of the Imago Dei (image of God) and express themselves in that. Many teachers and leaders have been part of the process of forming kids’ hearts, teaching them the truth of scripture in creative ways and sharing their own faith journey with them. My memories of walking with you over the years are deep, and full of God’s power in how He has worked in your lives.

Many families have come through our doors, staying and growing as a family in Christ. I still remember the first Sunday when I wasn’t able to remember each name, each of your kids’ names any longer, and I cried. Being with you, watching you raise your children, crying with you over miscarriages and losses of life, celebrating with you at baby showers and baby dedications, praying with you over our “kid issues,” going with you to counselors or doctor appointments, sitting with you and your spouse in the middle of marital tension or reconciliation – these . . . these are the things that I will remember and miss the most. Doing life with you. And you doing life with me.

We have people, hundreds of people that care very much for our kids, for relationships with them and their parents and each other. These people are the face of Imago Dei to me and to you. Children have grown older and been baptized; parents have come to Christ; volunteers have discovered their gifting as a teacher or leader. We have all become more mature in Christ in these years of being church together.

I am leaving. I will be helping to start a new church and will meet new families and see Christ work again, and that is worth everything. But I will miss you. Leaving here is very hard for me, and though I am sad more often than I’d like right now, I leave grateful. So grateful in wonder at what God has done in all these years. Amazed at the Jr. High and High Schoolers I see who have grown up here, grown up under our care and teaching, our stories and crises, our being together and praising Him through it all. And I am amazed at how God has brought marriages back together, matured parents and brought many of you closer to Him through community with each other and with Him. Thank you, Imago Dei Kids, for allowing me to serve you and grow with you all these years. I cannot imagine a better experience to have spent in this decade of my life.

By God’s grace you are not left empty-handed, but with great people that you know and trust to continue on. Jeff Marsh is now Pastor of Families and will be overseeing all of nursery through high school, and parenting classes. Jeff is a good friend, father, pastor and leader. We’ve worked together for many years on staff and there isn’t a better person to pastor the families of Imago Dei.

Jen Taylor remains as an integral part of Imago Dei Kids. Jen has served faithfully with me for the entire nine years that I’ve been here. She started, taught and led elementary ministry for the first several years and most recently has been the leader and deacon of our entire front door ministry. Jen has a deep heart for children and is highly gifted. There isn’t anything Jen doesn’t know about Imago Dei Kids. With Jen, as well as with Jeff, I cannot imagine anyone more suited to carry on this ministry. She is a gift to us all and – other than me being bummed she isn’t coming to Salt Lake with us – I am overjoyed that she continues here in ministry to kids and families.

I will miss you all greatly. Continue on in faith as you raise your kids, support those that have kids and love one another. I look forward to hearing stories of what God is doing in you all in the months and years to come. I will visit often.

Love, thanks, peace to you, and glory be to God for His beautiful church,

~Karen Rogers

Former Pastor of Children and Families

Imago Dei Community

1 comment:

w said...

Karen, I was just reading this again and wanted to put out a public "thank you" for everything you've done at Imago Dei. Thank you for your tireless work on the technical stuff, curriculum, schedules, space and asthetics. Thank you for sharing your vision SO deeply, that you are leaving a tremendous legacy of volunteers past and present that "get it" and have a greater love and know-how with children and children's ministry. And most of all, thank you for sharing your life with us personally, creating an expectation of being Jesus to one another. I look forward to seeing how God shines through you with Salt Lake City!