Hi everyone,
Please note that for Good Friday we'll be doing Imago Dei Kids at the 6:30pm service only. Nursery like usual in the gym, and then a mixed age group in the gym of 2-3 year olds in one room and 4 years and up (2nd grade max) in the big room. We'll be doing special art projects that night, a storytelling of Jesus death and burial, and some live worship. See you there! If you are a cleared Imago Dei Kids volunteer let us know if you can help that night as we'll need some extra hands. karen@imagodeicommunity.com
EASTER SUNDAY we'll run all 3 services like normal for Nursery and Early Childhood. Elementary kids will be IN THE SERVICE, so no class for those kiddos. Have fun celebrating the risen Christ together in the service.
This is usually our biggest Sunday of the year. Please spread the word to all parents to come to the 9am or 12pm services!!!!!!!! We just don't have enough room at the 10:30am for everyone. If you are a cleared volunteer and can help an extra service on Easter we could sure use you!! Please let us know if you are available to help.
Thanks everyone! Happy Easter - He has risen indeed.
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