Tonight was the 2nd week of an
all church prayer night we've held. 2 weeks ago our lead and founding pastor,
Rick, announced in the
sermon that Imago Dei Community was shutting down all activity, programs, meetings, etc for a month. To pray. Once a week, all together as one body. A reminder to us all that this is God's church, not our own, and that it's time we start loving each other.
So we've been praying. Last week 700 people showed up to pray! Kids were running around past bedtime in the family rooms as parents and community members swapped off caring for them so the other could go and pray. One wife described the night to me as "humbling".
Tonight we gathered again. Less people, less kids. Which seems so typical of prayer - what is it about prayer that loses people's interest? Like I should talk. Prayer is often hard for me. Praying in groups of people you don't interact with all that often - even harder. Until you do it. And then WHAM! I'm hooked. All in and can't wait till the next one.
So tonight my blogging friends - was wonderful being with a community of believers you love! Seeing Rick get emotional as he thanked God for saving him and for doing more than he ever dreamed or imagined with this church - was inspiring. So inspiring that the thanksgiving opened up. People stood and praised God for all kinds of things - not specific to their own situations so much - but praising God for our church, for each other, for what God is, has done and will do.
Then some people came and shared what God had placed on their hearts for us to be praying about. One shared about the desire of the heart - and how God is our ultimate desire. We all got in groups and prayed over that. Which led to more thanksgiving but also some repentance of how we just don't desire Him much sometimes. Another friend shared about giving of money and time. And if we have not much of either maybe it's time to reevaluate some things and trust God. She was so humble but passionate and inspired us all to pray about that. Again, prayers of repentance lifting up all over the room.
Toward the end I just started listening as the prayers of the people, our people, our friends, the church - rose into one voice. And it sure sounded sweet to me. I looked up at the old wooden rafters where people had prayed for years and years and decades or longer in the same building before us. I imagine it was sweetness to God's ears. We, this broken group of people here in Portland, prayed in unity and unison for a common purpose. To know God, to desire him, and to love His people.
I was in tears by the time we ended in worship and went and grabbed my son from the play area and brought him in to sing with us because I wanted him to experience it. Which, of course, he wasn't interested in as it was an hour and a half past his bed time. But he did for the first couple minutes immediately sense something. My husband nudged me and I looked back to see his little 4-year-old hands raised and eyes closed. We both looked a little surprised but then noticed that the room of people was doing the same, he was copying. Or maybe there was some semblance of Spirit flowing through him. I don't know. But in my heart was an overflowing thing happening. I was grinning and hugging everyone. The Spirit of God I believe - and you could see it over most all the faces.
We are becoming one family again. I'm so glad to be part of this family. There is much more work/prayer to do. Many friends have not come to pray and some are suffering in isolation critiquing the church. But tonight many changed and loved each other again or perhaps for the first time.
God is so much bigger than us and it's truly an inspiring and humbling thing to see it in the physicality of a people learning to love each other and lay themselves down for the sake of something much bigger. I'll be there again next Wednesday.