Friday, May 22, 2009

We Fall Down

This video is from one of our families. It's their son singing a solo at the closing ceremonies night at Awanas. Now, I think he sings quite well - but that's not the only reason I asked his mom if I could post it here. First off, his mom is playing the piano. Which makes the whole video less about Samuel and more about God to me. There is a sense of worship here. And really the thing that moves me the most is the song he's singing. It's a main stream song sung on the radio, churches and in home and on CD/mp3 players. And he knows it. In fact he's MEMORIZED it. I work with several worship leaders in Imago Dei Kids and often the question comes up about which songs kids can actually sing. I usually respond that kids can sing most any song. It seems we all sell kids short on what they can actually understand and are able to do. This kid, Samuel, displays for me the maturity and ability to grasp not only lyrics to a song but worship to our King at a young age. May all of us parents be encouraged that our kids can understand and be part of much in the life of Christ.

May 2009 - Samuel sings solo from Theresa Frazee on Vimeo.

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