Friday, May 1, 2009

Teaching Teachers

It has been humbling and also inspiring to watch our teachers and leaders grow this year in their relationships with Christ and in our community. Each week I get the opportunity to share again with a different group our heart and expectation for them as teachers and leaders for our kids. The call is that it has less to do with their skill level in teaching or in any leadership that they offer, but rather the life in Christ that is in them. That this life would spill over and pour onto our kids and all those they have influence over (volunteer helpers, parents, etc). Simply - that their presence, who they are, is enough.

Who these people are in Christ is everything - especially considering kids learn by watching and look to those they admire. Kids can see through fancy teaching skills and a churchy fakey affection. They know when they are loved. So I am thankful for the people God continues to bring into this ministry and for the opportunity to remind them that it is who they are that matters more than their skill. Skill can be taught. Life in Christ has to be received and then given away.

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